Thursday, 28 January 2010

YouTube haters .. why?

You know if there is one thing I always wanted to know, it would be why the haters do what they do. In this blog post I go over what I believe to be the main reasons as to why they do it.

  • Boredom, being one of the most common reasons why haters do what they do. A kid who is sat at home alone, and they are bored and have nothing to do.
    • In this case my advice is to do some constructive instead.
  • Jealousy, too often is this the case. It seems that most people get jealous of my success and they will do anything to remove to competition.
    • Instead why not try and make better videos, that might be why your not getting that many views.
  • To make up for their own short comings, yes a very typical reason, they feel bad so they want to make others feel just as bad.
    • In this case I would be a man and get on with life as I see no point in making someone else feel as bad as I do.

There is nothing wrong with someone only wanting to see positive comments on YouTube videos, and on the internet in general for that matter.

Why do you think these people do what they do?


  1. Very ture! Thanks for pointing this out Illage!

  2. Well, it could be just that your videos suck...
