Tuesday, 23 March 2010

YouTube - Haters

- illage2's YouTube

Now I know that it is unfair that I should keep naming and shaming people.... so I will not.

In this post I will talk about the Haters (again) because, I've not had a hate comment in a very long time, which is a good thing.
However today I got a comment mentioning the following;

"Ha ha wat up with ur face u look like some one in my year he pics his hair out"

Personally I think that this guy cannot spell for shit. He goes on and on about how he is smart because he goes to school, which is a load of bullshit in the first place. To me he is an undereducated 13 year old scally crackhead who thinks that wearing a hood and beating up women is cool.

Seriously though, if your going to try and "hate" on me over YouTube at least come prepared with something else to say, instead of the same bullshit I keep hearing from every hater. Also try getting your spelling and punctuation right as well, I'll still block and remove the comment, but I'll also respect the fact you took your time to check your spelling.

I don't mind people not liking what I do on YouTube, to be honest I don't expect people to like what I do on YouTube.
I don't mind people disagreeing with me either since I like discussing things.
I also don't mind constructive comments.

What I will not tolerate are some 13 year old brats hating on my videos for their own personal ego.
Your not clever enough, your not smart enough, nor are you funny enough to even try to hate on me.


  1. Ouch a bit of a rant there.

  2. Relax dude, don't think what these idiots say. Not everyone in the world is good you know and besides if people like these swear and use bad profanity that only makes them look uneducated and uncivilized.
    Instead of giving you the benefit of the doubt they only say things like "U suck" with no proof/reason whatsoever and a statement without any proof is useless.
    So relax dude and don't get bothered by these ignorant idiots and what they say about you and your videos, everyone knows you are COOL!

    Peace :)
